About us
Our aim is to promote the sharing of knowledge and expertise amongst our members.
The members of the Retail & Leisure Agents Society (RLAS) are practicing retail and leisure agents from commercial property practices all over the UK. They are involved on a day to day basis with lettings, sales, acquisitions, valuations, rent reviews and lease renewals of properties in high streets and shopping centres across the UK, and offer a great depth of experience and knowledge about retail and leisure property in all its facets.
The society was formed to provide the opportunity for those members to share information and to meet to make useful contacts - and we hope friends - on a regular basis for social, educational or business purposes and to generally to promote the business of retail and leisure agency throughout the UK.
Chair's message
The members of the Retail & Leisure Agents Society (previously Shop Agents Society), are practicing agents from commercial property practices all over the UK. They are involved day to day with lettings, sales, acquisitions, valuations, rent reviews, lease renewals of properties in predominantly high streets & shopping centres all over the country. They provide a great depth of experience and knowledge about property in all its facets.
The Society was formed in 1985 by a group of young surveyors who found forming a community of agents as a powerful tool and get together on a regular basis for some well needed networking. The Society has grown over the years and has previously seen a membership in excess of 1000 members. This has enabled the Society to organise a variety of networking events where members could meet socially on a regular basis and talk “shop”! It also enabled the opportunity for members to gain CPD (Professional Development) in a series of informative and topical professional events.
Weathering the covid times, the retail and leisure platform has changed in everyone’s lives, and the advice of our members has never been more valuable.
The Shop Agents Society will remain as the primary entity but will now be known as the Retail & Leisure Agents Society. In addition to this change, we are partnering with Insight Technology to launch a new marketing platform accessible to our members only. The Society will continue to provide networking events for all, across the country, along with CPD opportunities throughout the year.
We are always looking for Committee members to join and bring fresh ideas to the Organisation so please contact us if you are interested.
For more information on being part of our Organisation, please contact our Events Co-ordinator/Administrator: